Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Criticism on: Education… The Governors responsibility?

This is a reply to Dan’s blogfive on the subject of “Education… The Governors responsibility?.”  Dan makes a good point on politicians’ promises during campaign getting forgotten after they are elected.

During the recent campaign and for any previous campaigns, education became a debating subject. This time, as Dan correctly, pointed out the subject was used for self serving purpose. Politicians usually pick education subject since it normally is a hot topic and gives the politicians something to talk about during the election campaign. I agree with Dan, regardless of who is elected, the issue will not be addressed after the election. I also agree with Dan that, both candidates exaggerated the state of the education systems.

I don’t agree with Dan when he blames the electorate for allowing these types of debate flourish, in this case, the topic of education. The politicians control the campaign environment; they are in charge of manipulation of the electorate’s mind. This goes for the education budget as well.

Dan’s argument is correct when he says, throwing more money at the education, will not fix the problem. However, I am not sure about his claim regarding Texas spending $60 Billion dollars on education. According to ROBERT T. GARRETT / The Dallas Morning News, article dated, Oct 25 2010, on the Texas revenue, $48.9 billion budget went to public schools, junior colleges, universities. Either way, Texas’s education budget is huge. Of course, there are some money being wasted in the system.

I totally agree with Dan on the subject of Texas spending way too much money on the sport complexes. In addition to wasting the financial resources on the sport, emphasizing too much on sport, is having a negative impact on the quality of Texas education. 

In summary, Dan discusses from wide range of angles the subject of education, political importance of education issues, and the education budget in this blog. He criticizes the candidates for misusing the education topic during their campaign for governor. He also blames parents for their lack of responsibilities for their kids’ education. I agree with him criticizing the politicians and the parents for Texas’s education problems. 

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